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Theoconsequentialists are going to be unequivocal about believing in God.  Atheistic ideas and theistic ideas don't mix.  When  theists and atheists try to reverence ultimacy together somebody has to shut up about what they believe for fear of offending the other.  That's fine for many purposes, but it's not sharing a faith.  And since that's what we're trying to do, we're not going to "be open to all beliefs."  You can believe what you like, but we believe in God.  Nee. Nee. Nee.    Including Atheism in the equation is like multiplication by zero.  It doesn't just take part and change the composite it instantly nullifies everything else.  It's like a group deciding where to eat.  Each has things they prefer so the group will probably pick something everyone can agree on and everybody has that.  The atheist is on a fast.  Nobody can have anything because that leaves them out.


We can believe in God without opening ourselves up to all the other stuff that's been tacked onto the concept of God.  But then we have to tack on stuff of our own, but that's OK because we have a thorough understanding of our God and why that is our understanding.  We can be very clear about the differences.  I mean beyond mere rejection of the notion of relying on some ancient revelation as the unique and immutable source of information.  


I go beyond just believing in an ineffable or mysterious black box.  I explain how It works and why It exists.  I'm consistent with science and internally.   Nevertheless, I make stark radical unsupported claims.  Understand before rejecting.


The tendency of Existence to produce order at a greater rate than chaos means that the implications of every possibility affect the implications of every other possibility. 


Yes, I know about entropy.  Moving on, the sum of existence (in dimensions we can't see directly) constantly grows through permutation.  Things which lend themselves to more productive permutation are produced at a greater rate.  The  collection still contains at least one of everything, but the proportion of some kinds of things is constantly increasing.  It's like if you had a box of crayons of every color, but you kept adding more blue crayons.












These are whole time lines, continua, or batches of connected continua, that are being created, so the future is already included, remember.  The fact that there is pressure (complexity preference) for more of some kinds of things than other kinds of things means futures containing those things are being selected for.  The whole is evolving, producing teleological effect, but locally events are related through cause and effect because the time lines the whole is made up of are all orderly within.  So a future feature of the world, such as an event whose consequences will subsequently produce more favorable conditions for productive types of outcomes got preferred by ancient random outcomes so that said event would eventually come about.  But preferences for even more superior competing options might prevail even more.   Events are nudged by distortions of probability fields resulting from the pressure of interference in myriad other time lines.   The effect of this nudging is that that which makes future things easier to nudge is promoted by past nudges.   Similarly, a pile of rubble is constantly settling, becoming more stable and shorter.  Pressure is constantly eliminating voids so that higher blocks of rubble are supported by more even pressure.  The higher rocks press down and the lower rocks press up.   


Probability is distorted because branchings in the future don't actually change the number of worlds, they necessitate that those worlds already must have existed.  All eventual outcomes must exist, so sufficient precedents must be created earlier for them to stem from. So earlier branchings that lead to more outcomes are more likely.    Suppose each color represents a universe situation at a moment and you have three brown ones.











                                 To understand differentiation as opposed to splitting, look here (13:20-14:30)

The brown universes can become purple or yellow.  Since purple later leads to both red and blue, there must be two examples of purple when brown breaks down, but since yellow only leads to more yellow, there only has to be one example of it.  Thus you could describe this by saying yellow is a less likely outcome of the breakdown of brown by virtue of retrocausal influence.  But really its just that every kind of time line exists.  A lot.  And the whole multiverse is connected through such "influences".   My evidence is secret and there's a lot of hard math (P= infinity for yellow, P= two times infinity for purple).  Because it's so useful to get into the weeds of how each curve relates to every other here.  It would be an equation without enough hard numbers for the values of the variables to be calculable.  Perhaps someone can find the field that carries this information backward in time and creates instability with exponentially growing consequences related to the kinds of transformation that increase rather than reduce order and which are in turn related to how the universe tunneled into existence.

There's plenty of room for dotted lines.


But here's a question.  Why would anything lead to more rejuxtaposition than anything else?  It's just slicing and recombining.  The only quality that could be a relevant factor is relative size of infinity.  Structure and contents can't matter if it's as I've presented it, because it's just geometric.   It must be that contents do matter.  They matter because they add dimensions of variety.  If to each geometric variant we add color or magnetic charge or any other property then we have added a new way to rejuxtapose.  Not only by reslicing but by change of contents.  A block of tofu can be sliced up only so many ways and that's all there is, but marble cake with raisins and nuts can have the raisins and nuts and swirls not only being sliced but moving (it hasn't been baked yet) and being sliced in each way of moving.  There aren't as many variations of the tofu as of the marble cake.  It can experience meta-time, an additional type of variation.  This is turning into a digression, though and there should be a blog text about it.  The point is that Existence is growing and some kinds of things promote growth more so they are prevalent among products of growth.  Rejuxtaposability is theoretically the underpinning of everything but we don't have to mention it the way we don't justify our actions by saying they promote it, or even some lower goal like human colonization of the universe.  We just say what we are doing makes society work better, or that an outcome leads to greater complexity.


Everything is connected through what can only be characterized as the intelligent desire of the multiverse to grow more orderly and complex and abundant. 


If something could calculate all the consequences of a "quantum leap" (or decoherence or differentiation) a million years ago, all the impacts on everything in the world, would  you call it smart?  If It is motivated to do this would you call that desire?  If that which magnified Its impact were organization and sensitivity, would you say It wants things to be more orderly, complex and abundant?   Above I described how this works in terms of a collapsing pile of rubble.  That doesn't mean it isn't smart.  A human could be described as oxidizing glucose.


The impact of this creative will is perceivable in what appear to be probability distortions in the world we encounter. 

How does synchronicity work and what does it want?  It seems to be about meaning, which is simply effect. 












We have two retrocausal things: an inexplicable retrocausal effect and a force that causes retrocausal effects.  Wonder if they could be the same thing?  


Throughout history, people have observed these probability distortions and conceptualized entities called God. 


All ghosts and miracles and angels and prophecies and psychic powers resolve down to synchronicity.  Synchronicity could produce all those effects.  And God is what's causing synchronicity.  So God is behind all that stuff.   There's no need or advantage to postulating multiple competing Gods.  It would make no sense for there to be two or more Rube Goldbergs making complicated fragile causal chains that compete with each other and use the state of the entire universe.  There can be only one.  










Original work based on Jung and Pauli's

unnecessarily complex graphic 

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