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My plan is for this page to include reviews of other Theoconsequentialist orders we hear about.  


Second Church of Universal Multiplicity

As a matter of fact, I'm going to start one myself and put it here.  The COTIM is a model order, and I'm going to make sure it only lets in those who have proven themselves by furthering the cause outside it.  For an experimental order people can join, I'm going to make a Zoom oriented one and put its stuff here.  Second Church of Universal Multiplicity. SCUM.


We adopt the Unanimous Rules of the COTIM with the following exceptions:  
1.  Replace the name Church of the Intelligent Multiverse with Second Church of Universal Multiplicity throughout.
2.  Change evaluation meeting times as follows: switch Sunday and Saturday.
3.  Add the following provision:

Virtual Meetings
All councils of the the Second Church of Universal Multiplicity may conduct meetings by virtual meeting such as Zoom.  A person is considered present while all eyes are visible on the screen and the person is responsive to audio communication.  Legs are not visible on screen, so sitting is indicated by muting and standing is indicated by unmuting.  Hand raising can be indicated virtually or by showing a video feed of a hand.  


The first panel of the SCUM meets at 9 am Eastern Standard Time on Saturday mornings using this link:

Join Zoom Meeting




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