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There are other forms of media, other cultural products that deserve admiring mention.


Isaac Arthur

YouTube Channel

This individual seems to have done hundreds of these long videos talking about the future.  No small mindedness here.  This stuff is in fact what God wants us to do, and thus what gets nudged toward.  


Shamanism and Chaos Magic and Stuff

I'm not going to link to materials on this stuff.  The idea is that you can make synchronicity go the way you want, get lucky results, by doing rituals.  Change your mind and you change the outside world.  In reality, belief only has derived power.  Its power derives from the fact that changing your mind changes your behavior which changes the future which gets nudged.  Very inefficient.  A simple resolution changes the future more directly without scrambling your brains or carrying extra stuff that's stuck in there because you don't really know how it works.  Most pointedly, it's all God.  Just one God.  If there was ever disunity it's long in the past.  All spirit is one consolidated entity, behind the puppets you may deal with.  God.


So, why does that stuff ever work?  Surely it must or they wouldn't keep doing it.  My guess is camouflage.  God doesn't want this kind of person knowing what and who is really important.  They would hold consequences hostage and demand parlor tricks.  So they are fooled.  Or destroyed.  If  you are one of those people, know this.  Real power is in having the potential to improve the future.  Gain that and you will be of value.  The wind will be at  your back.  You don't need to coerce, then.  Make what works into what also makes you happy, and you need sacrifice nothing.  That is to say, learn to love your fate, learn to love playing a useful role rather than a parasitic one.  

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