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Adherents to this doctrine, who shall be termed “Theoconsequentialists,” will naturally organize together to promote widespread understanding of our doctrine, to promote the kinds of real-world results and behaviors our doctrine calls for, and to strengthen ourselves and our organizations. 


The term is "Theoconsequentialist" and the abbreviation is TC.  If you adhere to this doctrine you will seek to organize.  You will start or join an order.  In and out of your order you will devote yourself utterly to good results.  


By helping those who truly believe rightly, we serve God. 


Yes, we favor our tribe.  That doesn't mean we don't wish others well, but charity begins at home.  Our resources are limited, and why not start with those on our own team?  As a rule, when it's zero sum, or there's no compelling reason otherwise, we favor our own, but that doesn't mean blind loyalty.  We are consequentialists after all.  If higher ends are served we do what is required.  We are ready to sacrifice the interests of our sibling believers just as we would sacrifice our own.  If it is for the greater good.  Not from altruism, but because we figure being prepared to do so is always the best way, even when we have recently had a setback.  Always your best odds at any moment are attained by an attitude of service.   




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