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I am proposing to establish a voluntary organization based on Theoconsequentialism as presented under the Doctrine heading.


I wrote some documents for this. 


First , I wrote a set of rules of order (akin to Roberts Rules but only two pages long) that I call the Default Rules of Procedure.   The idea is that regardless of whether you start an order of any kind, the DROP could be useful for other small organizations, or larger ones organized in a hierarchy of smaller components.  


Second, I wrote  a sort of constitution, an immutable Code for organizations I call "orders."   The design of orders is crafted to fulfill multiple criteria simultaneously:  it preserves the integrity of the organization's culture while allowing evolution and something resembling democracy, plus it creates a system of influence that should produce an environment that will be a selling point.   And in the process, it provides a forum for deep interaction in groups.   The idea is that regardless of whether your order subscribes to Theoconsequentialism, the Code for Orders will be a useful tool.


Finally, I wrote an additional document, Unanimous Rules, providing the custom designed resolutions necessary to define specifically the order named "The Church of the Intelligent Multiverse."


On the "unpacking" pages, I'll explain the reasoning behind my design decisions.

But why do this at all?  Why should people with similar outlooks organize together?  What's the point?  Is it to pursue some goal such as profit or charity or recreation?  Is it to practice ritual communication with spirits?  

I think of it as a sort of general purpose co-operative made of spiritual development discussion circles that are also cells of a governance structure.  

The purpose is to benefit people who subscribe to certain beliefs.  To advance our cause and make our lives better.   Banding together is beneficial, it's just true and I don't know how to convince you of that if you don't already get it.  


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