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Point of Order

Point of Order

These coincidences are direct interaction with God.
If you are intolerant of that word, see Epistle to the Trolls. 


Since this is Epistle to the Humble, you are offended not by the mention of God but by the mention of God by someone not qualified to speak about God.  I simply don't have the floor.  Well, I have a point of order.  I don't think you're the chair.


The problem with unqualified speech about God is that can lead to misunderstanding God, which will lead to wrong interactions.  Are such interactions bad because God is fragile?  That can't be right.  So such interactions must be bad because people are fragile.  When you interact with God incorrectly it can drive you crazy.  In witch doctor terms, you aren't interacting with God, you are interacting with demons.  


Except the reality is that when you start divining incorrectly God tries to direct you away from doing that by making it lead to undesirable results.  It starts with confusion or annoyance and gets turned up to higher levels from there if the behavior persists.  


"Wait, why is he talking about divination?" you may ask.    Interaction with God quickly turns into divination.  Meanings are assigned to categories of events.  One knock means  yes, two knocks means no, three knocks means maybe.  If  you live in a noisy place and often think in questions then such a system will drive you bonkers. It's hard to turn it off, and I'll get to addressing that, but the bonkers has a purpose and that is to direct  you away from certain interpretations.  


I guess it might be necessary to point out, here, that divination isn't a magic truth service.  I forget that being non obvious.  The answers you get are tailored to serve the wishes of the divine presence giving them.  Why  would you expect anything else?  And once you become a pure monotheist, you know the answers are to induce consequences that contribute to God's plans.  They aren't attempts, they just do it.  Consequences happen.  


But, there's an art to designing  your meanings and where you read them.  There is no one right way to do it.  There's no secret set of archetype symbols or absolute meanings of numbers or anything.  It's like a secret language between twins.  You can develop your own set of meanings, negotiated through interaction.  But it has to be flexible, constantly evolving.  If you try to force it or try to stick to something obsolete you will get garbage, at best.   It's no wonder people have believed in demons because God will definitely put on that sock puppet if necessary. 


If you don't believe this stuff is possible, or that it's all interaction with God, then you don't really believe in the supremacy of God.  Maybe you shouldn't be the one talking about who gets to talk to God or about God.  But if you do believe in the supremacy of God, I'll share my notes and you may understand.  


As you mature, language-like tables of meanings go away.  It becomes direct interaction.  God nudges and  you accept nudging.  Once in a while you look up and take note of the fact that God is doing a thing, or that a thing is God's doing, the way you may pause for a moment and observe a sunset or smell a flower or exchange a smile with a colleague.  But for the most part you come to just be living in God.  That's part of how I know it was God all along.  It's very similar to being an atheist.  They don't notice it either, they just dance like puppets on strings, totally oblivious.  


How do you turn off "one knock, two knocks"?  Just do it.  Take a signal and say, "No, I recognize that's BS, God.  Thank you for helping me kick the habit."  Faith lies not in divination, or in rejection of it, but beyond it.  That's why I do want to compile observations of it.  I do want to point it out to people, and nothing is better than getting lots of examples to cite.  Because I do want to turn people on to it, then perhaps guide them through it to greater maturity.  Understand it is God nudging you into playing your role as well as possible--using the most efficient signaling methods locally available at the time.  Understand the point is to make a better you, and that "better" means a more productive contributor to the saga of humanity.  And find the special ways in which your specific life fits in.  Other religions don't really get into that very deeply do they?  I have a plan for that.  It's probably just driven by ego and greed, right?  


I do want to turn people away from fear of God and toward acceptance of God.  Older imperial religions aren't about teaching people to live in God naturally.  Partly that's because they don't really understand God or God's plan.  Because they're sticking pridefully to old thinking like a narcissist who is too perfect to ever grow.  Sad.  

Point of Order

Divination: "No serpents"

Finite cultural milieu, so which are you?

Part of God

We'll pump you up

The first draft is always best

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