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On this website I present a plausible, morally acceptable, concept of a monotheistic God.  A bonus, as with all faiths, is a sense of purpose and meaning and connection.  Except without the haunting feeling of "this is BS" that intelligent people get with traditional religion, leading them to either reject it, lose their minds, or cynically pretend.   I'm honest about what God implies.  


Designed to work with the theology, I also present a well thought out plan of social organization which I hope will avoid many pitfalls and amplify some successes of earlier forms.  


What are your purposes?  

1.  I'm responding to the ad.

2.  I'm in the COTIM and need to check something

3.  I'm reporting something of interest to the COTIM, such as a similar order or interesting media worth reviewing.  


My hope is that you will consider what I have to say, accept it, and establish a clone of the COTIM.  Someday, perhaps one of our orders can adopt the other.  My expectation is that at best you will have quibbles with some items or points I make, in either the theology or the organization design.   Do what you will with my work.  However, please understand my thinking all kind of goes together.  In incorrectly modified form it might not work.  


My fear is that many will react with hostility and try to find a way to exploit or harm.  If  you are motivated by a desire to defend someone from me, please consider that there are much better targets and ask yourself what you are doing and who put you up to it and why.  If you are a natural predatory type, be notified that there is nothing you value here and it is well guarded.  


I should be delighted if you give it enough attention to use my work. 

I release everything here into the public domain, except it must be noted that I use some creative commons illustrations.  These artworks are themselves links to the wikimedia pages that have all the notifications and credits and stuff.   Click on the picture to see that.  The only modification I've made to any such art is simple resizing.  


--Robert South

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