Determinism. My presentation may have given the impression that there are deterministic time lines. The model I admire most is that there really aren't. There is no isolatable four dimensional time space continuum, no block universe following a predictable trajectory determined by consistent laws of nature. Since worlds interact, they aren't really different worlds, they are one world. There is no universe, just the multiverse. It's multiverses that evolve deterministically. Sideways interference on uncertainty is itself part of a greater deterministic whole. The block universe doesn't go away, it is just larger. Except there are multiple block multiverses and the ones fated to greater complexity at the future end happen to be more common. At some point yes there is something that could be called determinism. And beyond that there is constant new creation of copies of the former whole, except in evolving ratios. And we're always being newly created as right angle extensions of time into one of those, we just don't know which. In speaking of polytheism I said it made no sense for there to be more than one god interfering with each other because that would disrupt the deterministic Rube Goldberg timelines, as if such things existed. And then I admitted there is interference between worlds which is why God can't miracle up paradise for us instantly. That interference is part of God, not a second God. It has working parts that make up a whole and its limits are defined by its lack of limits. Interference is not really just interference. That's what making all possibility looks like. So put that in your test tube and smoke it. There's always more on the outside: that's essentially a summary of my theory. By definition it can only be ascientific because it is the setting, the environment in which the scientifically testable exists. It will be disproven if we find there's not more on the outside and reality is a finite loop rather than an open explosion. It will be disproven if we find indeterminacy is an approximation that we can get around using a greater theory of which it is a special case. Except both of those could be local illusions within a greater whole... Also, don't forget the green video.