6:10 AM 4/13/2023 The Manual is now set in stone. Anything else will be addressed outside it, will make meaning by reflecting on it rather than changing it. Here's a thought. How would military Theoconsequentialists practice? I would imagine they would have a Theoconsequentialist Order of the US Military. It would be a nomadic order. The president of the order would appoint any chaplains called for. They would have no special authority within the order, they would just be facilitators and liaisons between the order or its local sectors and "the command." They would be equivalent to the "treasurer" or "secretary" that laws might call for a corporation to have: officers authorized by the Code to be appointed by the order president. The fact that the order president can dismiss these officers might not interfact well with any military commission a TC chaplain might hold, but two factors pertain. (1) Better consequences therefore come from the order president not dismissing chaplains too much. (2) Other faiths can remove the "ordained" status of ministers. When a service member will soon change station, the service member should use leave to visit the future station and join a crew there, or wait until arrival and do so. A nomadic order should have the communications and record keeping so that by simply joining a panel one place a participant leaves that panel elsewhere. Those in leader roles would not be able to do this. Leader roles persist until the end of the year and cannot be resigned, so the transfer would have to be timed properly. The recieving panel would have to compose the motion so it transfer the former leader as of midnight on New Years. In a sedentary order, the leader would simply resign panel membership as of that time and lose all seniority, then apply to a different panel. Here's a thought. How thoroughly will orders keep and share records about people? I think it would be great for orders to keep a public registry of participants and former participants. They could keep more detailed records privately, and share them only with authorities or other well regarded orders. If someone comes to try and become a participant in an order, the order could do some research first. Ask around. Was this person trouble in another order somewhere? Nomadic orders would have to keep records of everyone's seniority score. There would have to be mandatory reporting procedures. Joining a panel in one place would have to rapidly be communicated to the former panel to prevent dual council membership. It could go beyond that, though. Orders could keep records that can identify people who change names. They could keep records of non participants--friends and enemies in the public at large. They could share this information. An order that was large enough and nosy enough could keep tabs on every member of an entire society. Or everyone in the world, dream big. Here's a thought. Is it legitimate to participate in multiple orders? It's not prohibited by the Code. The code just implies prohibition of participation in multiple councils on the same level within an order: "Participants of an order can be members on multiple councils, provided those councils are each at a different level." Participation in multiple orders might be impractical though. For instance, a soldier might participate in both the military nomadic order and a local sedentary order in the community where stationed. But it would be hard enough to keep to a council meeting schedule in the military, much less two. The code says, "The high council establishes rules for setting a recurring schedule of times and days for regular evaluation meetings of all councils throughout the order." This means scheduling methods are standarized by the high council, not that the high council sets all meeting times. The example of "early" and "late" panels in the COTIM shows that that a high council can authorize councils to set thier own meeting times, and that satisfies the code. For a military member this means councils might want to coincide with units so that personnel engaged in training or deployment would be together for council meetings if they were at the location of the unit.