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The truth is monstrous and unappealing. 
But we can make the best of it.  Come with me if you want to know.
signal magnification

The fundamental truth is that reality is comprehensive: everything possible must exist.  Several things flow from this.

1.  Comprehensive reality is never complete, because permutations of itself are constantly coming into existence.  Its explosive growth into infinite dimensions gives us time, branching off from every moment perpendicularly in every possible way.

2.  More complex futures are more numerous, so random events that lead to greater total complexity are more probable.  This constitutes an intelligent organism whose complexity cultivating nudges have been called synchronicity.  They've also inspired religions.  It's God and it wants sapients to grow in power and reach and transform the universe.  

3.  Working with this thing is a good idea.  We  have some ideas on that.  

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